Michi contented herself with reading the file that had been given to her, her face carefully kept mildly interested as she read. Subtler than a poker-face, the expressionless mask that revealed much of what its producer aimed so desperately to hide, a beacon to those who knew how to read faces. The scowl at the hadean red shades of 'CLASSIFIED' and the redacted material, for instance, made no impression on her serene exterior; secrets were irritating. Perhaps, next time, a little money and a few favours in the right places might open some [i]unofficial [/i]channels. After all, preparation and planning were nine-tenths of victory, and being crippled by secret objectives wasn't helpful. Something to think on, certainly, and to definitely not mention to Captain Fietmaal. “[b]Two things, if I may, sir, before I check on [i]Kaiserin's [/i]shells and make ready? First, is the truck itself important in some way, Captain Dawn?[/b]” she asked, after a respectful interval, carefully closing up her own file. “[b]I merely wonder if the VIP – no point in blurting out identities, even here - might be safer inside one of our vehicles, such as Captain Fietmaal's tank, for added protection.[/b]” She waited a beat, and then continued. “[b]Second – I appreciate that details are sketchy, but do we know the size of the package we're to collect, sir? Is it something that can fit in the palm of a hand, or large enough to need a low-loader for transportation?[/b]” Michi hoped, vaguely and without much in the way of expectation, for the former – a nice, simple, [i]easy [/i]package that any one of them could easily carry, deep inside the armoured hull of their Valkinai. Maybe even a memory stick or a set of storage drives, perhaps with vital research data that, whilst [i]important[/i], wouldn't take up much space or leave them reliant on civilian equipment for transport. Getting bogged down whilst transporting precious equipment was, after all, an ambusher's dream – a [i]stationary target[/i] that forced its defenders onto the back foot. The defense had to be lucky every time, whilst the attackers only needed one chance. It wasn't a comforting thought, even if [i]Kaiserin's [/i]targeting systems could triangulate rapidly and accurately and her hellbore battery rain down fire and brimstone.