[quote=@Damo021] With Christmas chaos out of the way, I like to say I am still around and after much thinking I have come up with an idea for a nation, so I shall begin working on that, I do not know if it be made/completed in time of the conference as I have not yet been able to read up on all of the IC posts to see where everyone is at. [/quote] Well, the conference hasn't started yet. And the other plots are still starting too [quote=@Willy Vereb] So this is where everyone are? BTW, any info on map locations and such? If possible I would either join as the Solarian Federation or the Morte Imperium. Oldies that RP'd with me probably know these guys well. Which faction seems fresher in this setting? Deathkorps of Krieg on steroids or Star Trek Federation with hypercapitalist assholes? [/quote] Personally I would go for Kriegers