Elliot had kept himself entertained while waitig for the PM, one hand absent mindedly playing with a fidget cube while the other never strayed far from his side arm. The fidget cube was a tiny little thing, as wide as his nail and just as tall, his fingers danced over its edges as he fiddled with it. He noticed a few officers he recognised, shooting a wink or a smile towards anyone who saw him, but he stayed at his post, he was still on duty after all. Today was a casual celebration and the sheer amount of police here assured that any trouble wouldn't be much trouble, and it was that reoaxed attitude that led to Elliot zoning out, almost missing the Prince Minister's appearance. Though in such flamboyant and no doubt expensive clothing he looked more like a fashion model than a Politician. Elliots eye brows furrowed and he kissed his teeth, disapprovingly, remembering why he hadnt voted for this man. To Elliot it just felt as if the man didn't take himself seriously as a politician, his flair for the dramatic was starting to lose its charm. Elliot snapped back to attention as the officer on duty called for everyone to stand in formation and the scene following of so many police either moving positions or standing up straight was so well rehearsed it looked like it had come from a play. Elliot rushed to his position underneath and slightly to the left of the balcony the PM was currently on. If he craned his head and squinted he just about make out the PMs form. The five men Elliot was currently with pulled automatic rifles from a duffel bag, Elliot taking the last one. They nodded to each other in silent acknowledgement and took up their positions. Elliot let out a raggedy breath to calm himself, and looked out into the crowd.