Flynn frowned at Trex's question, he didn't even try bug him about his concern... Flynn was concerned too. The entire guild was concerned about anyone that they didn't know the location of. Some names had popped up with the words deceased attached and it was like a punch in the gut but it was almost with those they had no clue about. Everyone wanted so badly to hold onto hope but those people were popping up dead more often than alive and it was hard to think about what the outcome of their friends like Zelia were. Flynn sighed and ran his hand over his mouth before he shook his head, "I don't know... I mean... I guess she is because, well, no one knows where she is..." There was nothing worse than telling his friend that... or admitting it to himself. He had seen for sometime now how Trex looked at Zelia and maybe it was something he just refused to admit or something that he wasn't even really aware of but the man cared deeply, deeper than just friends, for Zelia. He knew that the truth, that their friend was missing, had to be even more painful for Trex than it was for him or Skye to hear. He pursed his lips and pulled out a letter, "This was the last we heard from her..." [i]Dear Team, I've moved closer to the Seven border in hopes of getting earlier access to the wounded troops. The men and women that were arriving at our last base camp were on their last breaths and we had to really fight time to save the ones we did. I'm hoping that by being closer to the border, we'll have a better chance of saving our soldiers. Good news is Trex hasn't come through our tents yet and I haven't seen his name on any of the lists of confirmed dead. I think we should really have more faith in him, he is a strong wizard. One of the strongest I know and yet... I can't help but check the lists just to make sure. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if I saw his name on that list... It's hard not knowing where everyone is or telling you where I am... I'm just glad that I can get these letters to you all. I hope everything is still doing well where ever it is you are. I'm happy to hear that Skye is doing well to fit in! I wish I could be there with you all, that we could be a team again. Zelia[/i] ~~ Zelia slowly turned her head to look at Ryzo as he completely ignored her and rather than sitting at the other end of the room he sat next to her. She closed her eyes and sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to move away and that she didn't have the strength to move him, "I don't know... A week... maybe... Can't exactly tell the time here.. can't rely on food or sleep to help me remember..." She looked down when he pulled something out of his cloak and stared at the food he presented her. She was incredibly hesitant as he had never given her any real reason to trust him... However, as he reasoned as to why it was a fine and he had to ill intentions she slowly reached out and took the dried meat from him. She glanced up at him and nodded her head, "Thank you," She said quietly before she turned to her hand a gently nibbled on it. She refused to gobble it all down, as much as she wanted to, it wasn't going to be helpful. Her stomach would probably be shocked by the sudden amount of food and she'd probably just hate herself for not making the food last to begin with. She sat there for a second, "So... Do you know where we are?"