[Josh] Almost immediately after the first battle had ended, they were thrown right into another one, against two Rockruff and a Graveler. Within seconds, there were attacks flying around left and right. The Graveller's Rollout in particular seemed to be giving Kamina a hard time. Josh took aim and shot a Hydro Pump at it, since at the moment it seemed to pose the biggest threat. "Are you alright, Kamina?" Josh asked. "You took quite a hit just now." There was no denying that Kamina was tough, but honestly, it didn't seem like he could take another hit like that. [hr] [Dexter] The Bronzor wanted to come with them, because apparently he had a grudge that he wanted to settle. He kept going on about how they would give him the jobs nobody else wanted to do, and always told him how incompetent he was. Honestly, though, if every single Pokemon in this organization thought he was incompetent, it was probably because he is. When Nina asked them what they thought about it, Dexter was quick to voice his opinion. "And how in the hell would this guy be helpful? You heard him say he'd get knocked out instantly, right?" Dexter really didn't care how much the Bronzor wanted to get back at them. Even if he wasn't about to betray them, all he would do is slow them down.