Callie blinked, frowning and glancing at her bracelet. The charm should have gone off, it was a fairly extensive charm-it should go off for any mannor of supernatural creatures, of course there were a few that Callie didn't think even existed. Thinking on that a moment, callie looked around again, as if trying to get a sense for just what he was from the surroundings. No such luck. [color=fff200]"Well, there are a lot of supernaturals out there my charms cover, so...whatever isn't on there, really shortens the list of possibilities"[/color] She said, before giving a small shrug. A little paranoid, due to the attack last night, Callie manuveored her way over to a table where she could put her back against the wall, looking back to see if Caius was following, giving him a smile. [@Kyrisse]