[color=f7976a] "So who are you?"[/color] Su-Mi Looked up as the stout boy..or [i]Aki[/i] introduced himself. She nodded softly in return [i][color=ed1c24]"Hmph He probably thinks he's so cool and cold."[/color][/i] Su-Mi rolled her eyes and ignored the voice. [color=f7976a]"I'm Hiro... so, um, what can you guys do, I mean, what are your quirks?"[/color] Su-Mi pondered that a moment, what did her doctor say it was again...Bi....Bipolar...no..Bi...[color=7bcdc8]"Oh! Bi-mentality enhancement!"[/color] she yelled aloud as she recalled. [i][color=ed1c24]"real smooth moron"[/color][/i] She pouted to herself as she hit the back of her head. [color=7bcdc8]"enough out of you already"[/color] she muttered softly. Then Aki revealed his quirk, [color=8493ca]"Nice to meet you. I'm Aki, and the quirk's 'Shell Coating'"[/color] Shell Coating...hmm..That sounded cool it was a shame she couldn't see any of them in action while she was activated. [color=f7976a]"Cool, my quirk is quite different, I can change certain pressures in the air and water, I can mostly just cause bottles to crush and walk on water, and air, but it's nothing compared to yours!"[/color] Su-Mi gasped, [color=7bcdc8]"Are you crazy that's really cool! You can WALK on water...Like a cliche super hero..I give you kudos"[/color] she said with a wide smile. Damn If only she could be conscious when she was cool too...ugh. Before she could ponder more on the thought the girl from before appeared. She looked deep in thought and very serious, was she serious when Su-Mi talked to her?...Hmm. Finally the girl approached her. Su-Mi looked up to the girl and smiled, [color=fff79a]"I hope my punch didn't hurt you that much. But my favor involves your body." [/color] Su-Mi's eyes widened as she held back a snort a giggles. he held a hand to her mouth as practically choked on her own laughs as the girl tried to speak. Maybe she wasn't so frightening after all? [color=fff79a]"Oh sorry I mean your body and time." [/color] Su-mi snorted again. Then finally having the girl stop and think she spoke again. [color=fff79a]"Oh sorry I didn't ask for your name first." [/color] Su-Mi's posture straightened as she cleared her voice. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh yeah haha how rude of me, I'm Su-Mi"[/color] she held out a hand to shake. [color=7bcdc8]"And Thank you for punching my face!"[/color] she said with a chuckle. [i][color=ed1c24]"so there was favor involving you body and time..oh my~ already getting experimental I see" [/color][/i] Su-Mi's face heated up a bit as she hit the side of her head...but quickly played it off as smoothing her hair. [@Gutshot] [@KimmiNinja] [@Shmektheshmuck]