[quote=@Shmektheshmuck] Hiro followed close behind from above, seeing her dodge those clones with elegance surprised him, he dropped down at the class door as Su-Mi tripped over herself, [color=ed1c24]"are you alright?"[/color] he asked while picking her up by the hand, [color=ed1c24]"that was a hard fall and a pretty solid punch."[/color], [color=fff200][b]Hiro had a look of deep concern. Hiro looked around what would [u]BEE[/u] his new classroom[/b][/color], it wasn't much to look at, it had the look of any other Japanese classroom, before waiting from an answer from Su-Mi he sat himself down in a seat near a window, he gestured Su-Mi to a seat near his. More students came rushing into the classroom and soon the class was nearly full. (Edited) [/quote] There are, [@Pudding]