[hider=UNF] The Captain adjusts his hat before respond to Michi's question. [b]"It isn't a normal vehicle. We have put a shielding that will protect it from projectile fire and explosions. We also have the exterior look pretty normal and run of the mill, from what I'm told. However-"[/b] He pauses to look back at the file. Dawn seems to be the person that often has to reference notes. [b]"If you feel you can better protect the VIP within one of your Valk's or other transportation, that should be fine.[/b] He sits the file down before continuing. [b]"This is your mission. I'd work it out with your Captain, here, and the VIP when you link up with him. As for the other question, I can't necessarily say. However, all the things you will need to bring the package safely will be provided at the lab." [/b] Instinctively, Dawn reaches for his mug, preparing to drink, only to find that is empty ... still. A soft sigh leaves his lips before returning to meet with Michi and Gregory. [b]"Does that help you?"[/b] As for Kevin, he found that while trying to create blueprints that he did not have the right inspiration. He had a concept in his mind that he wanted to put down to paper but it was not translating well. He may have to ask other mechanics to help him better next time. [Hider=Result of Roll] [i][color=ed1c24]Fail[/color] - (Try again tomorrow in-game time)[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [@Valor][@Marquise][@The 4 Winds]