Zelriane stopped and turned to Jenso. [color=00a651]"Ultimately, life has no meaning in this universe, or any other, for that matter. We are all products of the void, and doomed, or blessed, to be returned to her endless expanse when our Ki leaves our bodies and soaks through the fabric of reality, into the darkness betwixt the worlds. But, if you choose to cling to meanings and place value in morality, or any other set of rules, which is what I have done, then I would suggest you use better judgement,"[/color] Zelriane spoke, disregarding Jenso's morals while also acknowledging their importance. [color=00a651]"Killing is a universal- No, multiversal necessity, one which provides a workaround for far more dire circumstances. Sometimes it is not necessary, like how you spared Ada's life. If you had killed her, this conversation would not be taking place, and you would already be dead. But if you had made that sacrifice, and traded your life for Ada's, you would have saved millions to come from her treacherous behavior. In essence, your cowardice has doomed millions to face the same torture she has bestowed upon you and your people, if not worse,"[/color] Zelriane explained very clearly. He spoke with a bold tone, and shook his head. [color=00a651]"Ada finds joy in torture, and manipulating others, while indulging in her own lust for sexual gratification, and the pain of others. That is why she lost to you, when you hid your pain, and preyed on her insecurities. Prisma seeks entertainment blindly, resorting to widespread malice, rather than methodically picking his targets. He does not enjoy it when people suffer, he simply enjoys the prospect of exterminating [i]life.[/i] These two beings are reprehensible, even by my standard, but they have a rigid code of conduct that our master respects, and are more powerful than most because of it."[/color] Zelriane stepped closer to Jenso and looked around curiously. [color=00a651]"You are just like us. Gifted. Yet you speak of morality and sin as if you hold some moral high ground over my family. This is your ignorance, boy, and your most powerful limitation. As long as you are held back by such infantile morals, you will remain mortal, and by extension, you will die, and millions after you will suffer for your cowardice. You cannot do everything, nobody can, and that is why me and my family exist. We symbolize what is necessary, and futile. The true nature of the universe is found in our hearts. Our goals, although not in unison morally or rationally, are that which embodies all of reality."[/color] [color=00a651]"[i]Chaos[/i]"[/color]