The Raven peeked over at Sara's notes strewn over the table and cocked their head. Picking up a pencil in their beak the Raven hopped towards a blank sheet of paper. Their grip on the writing implement was awkward and once more Rasteva wished that they had hands again, but they made due with what they had. The Daemon began to scrawl a series of equations onto the paper, along with several different fractions. [color=9e0b0f]"Here. I am not sure what kind of teacher you are studying under, but their methods are questionable at best."[/color] The Daemon tapped at the figures scrawled on the paper. [color=9e0b0f]"This is the most efficient manner in which to solve these equations. Here, I have done a few of them myself to illustrate how it's done. I cannot understand why the Humans that wrote this book would make everything so complicated." [/color] Once they were sure that Sara had understood the proper method they'd written down for her Rasteva resumed watching TV. As before there was nothing of interest on, but the show that was playing suddenly cut away to a News report. [b]"We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring a special report."[/b] The scene at the news Desk cuts to an unfamiliar square, but from the look of things, it was in the center of the city. A frazzled reporter stands in front of the camera and behind him, a large crowd of people could be seen milling around. [b]"I'm here downtown on the scene of where a bloody fight has taken place. Several members of the Anti Daemon Coalition calling themselves the 'Purgers' have been injured."[/b] Rasteva tugged on Sara's sleeve to get her attention indicating that she should watch too. [color=9e0b0f]"Sara. Sara look!"[/color]The Daemon turns back to the TV screen watching with renewed interest. The Camera panned over to show a person being carried on a stretcher into a waiting ambulance. [b]"Witnesses say that they don't know what started the conflict, but the group was soundly beaten by a man accompanied by a Daemon that looked like a large Stag. He apparently fled the scene before the authorities arrived, but witness reports state that the uniform he was wearing bore the mark of Apex Implementations."[/b] Rasteva cocked their head, beady eyes staring at the screen. [color=9e0b0f]"That name is...The same business that she owns. Sara, what do you make of this?"[/color] The Daemon was puzzled, not quite understanding why the man had acted the way they said he did. It certainly seemed out of character from how people had been acting the past few days. Perhaps Sara wasn't the only interested in taking a hands-on approach to solve things. The screen flashed to the Reporter questioning some people. [b]"Well, I don't see what the fuss is about."[/b] An older man was on the screen now, seeming unimpressed with everything.[b] "These Punks have been causing trouble for everybody. It's about time that they had some sense smacked into those head of theirs."[/b] The Reporter moved to question a Police Officer on standby and he looked to be rather irritated. [b]"The Purgers HAVE been a problem for the people of our city, but that's no reason to go taking matters into your own hands. We need everyone to trust that Law Enforcement will get the situation under control. What we don't need is acts of Vigilantism around the city."[/b] The Screen cut away back towards the Reporter. [b]"And there you have it. The Authorities have told us that they will be getting in contact with Apex Implementations, but so far their CEO has not made an effort to comment. That concludes our Report, we now return to our regularly scheduled program."[/b] The News cut out as abruptly as it had come on and returned to the show airing previously. It did nothing to interest Rasteva, as their thoughts were a veritable storm. [color=9e0b0f]"I do not understand. One lone man and a Daemon against a group of them? They must have been either remarkably brave or incredibly foolish."[/color] The Raven glanced up at Sara again. [color=9e0b0f]"Although I suppose I was wrong to brush aside your idea from the night before, Sara. It seems that some people are willing to place themselves in danger to defend others."[/color]