Name: Ardashir Age: 28 Race: Argonian Appearance: [hider=Ardashir ] [img][/img] [/hider] Items and gear: Hide armor, A one-handed iron sword, a basic longbow. He also has an unenchanted circlet obtained from a dungeon. He doesn't use footwear. Abilities: Low level spells across all schools, no necromancy. Good skills with one-handed weapons and decent skills with the bow. Job: Adventurer and hunter. He occasionally fights bandits and kills off dangerous animals when the pay is slow. Bio: Hailing from Black Marsh, Ardashir was accused of having sympathies for the Dunmer when the argonian advance on Morrowind was halted by House Redoran. He fled the Argonia to avoid political repercussions and took the first boat out of the province, which happened to be heading to Windhelm. Finding no life worth living at the Argonian Assemblage, he headed south and settled in Riverwood, where the locals were suspicious at first but have since come around to tolerating him.