Gregory gave a shrug to the whole situation and said. "Frankly, Captain Dawn, I'd transport the whole lot by air. It'd be faster and safer for everyone involved. Unfortunately, we don't have any high speed cargo planes on hand. I might pull a few favors with some friends at home to get something designed for this purpose, among other more combat oriented purposes. Building something like that will take some time though, and it won't be available for this mission." Gregory took another glance at the map provided and scowled once more. The distance was rather large and three days of land transport would be roughly one day in swift flight. Land transport also left many, many vulnerabilities open against them. The main one that Gregory was worried about was air firepower. His tank could dominate the land battle fairly easily, as tanks had historically done, but when put against air power, his tank would be found severely lacking. The only way he could logically shoot down a fast moving jet would be to have that jet's pilot be an utter fool and fly the jet straight at his tank, head on, without deploying any weapons. Then he could raise the main gun of his tank and fire directly into the nose, destroying the jet. However, this was an extremely unlikely situation, and Gregory's estimate of such an event happening put the odds well below one percent. Frankly, as close to zero as you could get without simply being zero. That's why Gregory had raised concerns about air support in the event that they needed it. Unfortunately, his concern had gone unanswered and Gregory now factored in a zero chance of air support, which drastically changed how the mission was going to play out in his plans. Overall, things were stacking up against them, and Gregory felt his mood sour as he planned out various situations. This mission was hopefully going to be a breeze with no hostile encounters, or else Gregory was going to have quite the headache as he constantly adapted plans to suit enemy encounters. It was going to be a long day.