Adam couldn't help but throw up a brow when he heard she didn't know her brothers number by heart. He had sort of assumed this whole time she was tech savvy, because of all the video games she played. He could remember some times she needed help with technology before, but he had figured she was doing that thing where she acted like she knew less about things then she did. Not that he was 100% SURE she did that, but he had such strong inclinations about it, he took it as fact. Adam was about to say something when he noticed the far off look in her eyes, but before he could she reanimated, and mentioned heading over to the coffee shop. He followed behind her, taking a look back the building as he did. He wondered what they would do if it came down. Nothing fun he was sure. Making their way away from their abode, Adam found himself deep in thought. He was wondering if anyone had gotten seriously injured. Would their be relief services? Maybe he could volunteer. Not that he had much time because of school, but still. He though about the school building then. Was it damaged? Would it be closed for a while? While he could appreciate some down time, he didn't like the wasted tuition money. He- "Don't walk." The droning computerized voice broke his little internal tirade. He stared at the button and gave a small sour face. "Hate this thing..." He muttered. He knew why it was there, and that it was important because not everyone could see and all that, but god did it get old fast. [hr] She let herself into his arms this time, still flinching when she did. All her buzzing thoughts, mixed with the emotional pit-hole and stomach pain left her in a state of pure confusion. As he stood she stared up at him. She was afraid. Of him, of the situation, of herself. She let a limp hand float up to him, and with all the effort she could muster, she stood slowly. She let her hand linger in his for a second, then pulled it back, looking down at the floor. "I'm not..." She still felt ridiculous saying this. "I'm not eating anyone." She felt less and less sure about that though. This was going to be a long night.