Hey guys, here is the first of the new characters that I have said that I will create. I had been told that there is currently no equivalent in this universe of the Phoenix Force, so I here we have it: [hr] [center][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk396/Mercinus3/The%20Psionic%20Nexus%20banner.png[/IMG] [color=6826F2][b]Entity you have created:[/b] [/color] Unknown [color=6826F2][b]Alias:[/b] [/color] The Psionic Nexus [color=6826F2] [b]Speech Color:[/b] Electric Violet, #6826F2, all in italics [b]Character Alignment:[/b][/color] Walking the Line [color=6826F2][b]Identity:[/b] [/color] Known by psionic/psychic users [color=6826F2] [b]Character Personality[/b]: [/color] The Nexus seems to have a neutral, eerily calm personality. Despite many galactic beings not showing a great deal of friendliness due to its creation, it remains cool and diplomatic everyone, especially those it wants to become its avatars. However, if push came to shove, it can have an explosive anger and shows a high degree of vindictiveness to those that offended it. [color=6826F2] [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [/color] While the extent of Psion is unknown, it can be seen speeding through the universe: [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Veil_Nebula_-_NGC6960.jpg]Cosmic Trail[/url] When it is visiting a planet, it takes on a common wolf form: [hider=Planet form][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c7.0.698.698/13827395_1072987476118919_560334997_n.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=6826F2] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] [/color] Thousands of millions of years ago, when the universe was still young, there was a lone planet. While life in the universe was a new thing and the concept of spacefaring was long away, this planet had a unified, tribal species of humanoid beings. They were able to speak in their own language, had a culture advanced enough that there were objects capable of looking at the stars, their religions and were capable of tapping into a mysterious force that allowed them to achieve many feats. During the first set of uses, the sight of different nebulae were thought to be deities of immense power and were thought to be capable of creating and destroying buildings (they weren’t too far off from the truth). In order to appease these beings and to not allow the planet to be destroyed, they sacrificed one of their own that is capable of using the force the best, which seemed counterintuitive. Through this, they formed their own ritual and it seemed to appease them. Unbeknownst to them, an unknown cosmic deity, facing eternal hunger, was encroaching the planet. As the planet was on the verge of being consumed, the people of the planet were by chance were sacrificing a young boy, capable of using the force unlike anything that was seen before. While the consumption of the planet would be the end of the story, something happened. As if by the whole universe aligning with the text, the planet was not just consumed. As the sacrifice happened, the mysterious force forced itself into the boy and absorbed the energy of the people, the planet’s destruction. The cosmic being that consumed the planet was also consumed through this force, wiping everything from existence in that particular area of the universe. In place of the planet, a small, glowing creature had formed. The mysterious force had manifested itself from the cosmic being’s life force and created a creature that was in the sacrificed boy’s mind. As the creature carried own with its own life, trying to come to grips with what has happened, the juvenile mind of the boy aged with the years of experience and became the being it is now. [color=6826F2] [b]Hero Type:[/b] [/color] Psychic/Energy (Cosmic entity) [color=6826F2] [b]Power Level:[/b] [/color] Cosmic [color=6826F2] [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [/color] -Psionic Entity By contrast to other cosmic entities, Psion is a creature made of pure psionic energy, which is generated by the force of life that flows throughout the universe. It can create any figure from this energy to fill its needs. Being such an entity, it is capable of using psionic energies of limitless power. As a result, as well, it is immune to physical attacks. --Absolute Psionic Power As a byproduct of being a psionic entity, the Psionic Nexus is able to control all forms of psionic energy, enabling it to perform many impressive feats such as creating barriers, creating unlimited numbers of constructs as well as many offensive beams and blasts. The energies that it uses is powerful enough to destroy planets and any material at the sub-atomic level if it wanted, but it sees no need in using the full range of its powers. --Psionic Bestowal/Erasure This is The Psionic Nexus’ calling card. Once it sees a being that has potential, it can grant them a fraction of its powers and abilities to the being, becoming one of its ‘avatars’, the strength of the bestowed powers a fraction of its true strength which, depending on the person, can cause instabilities in the avatar’s planet over long durations of use/conflict. The effects of this are usually permanent. Likewise, if the avatar becomes hostile to it in its presence, it is capable of removing that power away from them, often painfully as punishment. -Cosmic senses As psionic energies persist throughout the universe, The Nexus is able to sense everything as it travels through the universe. Through this is it able to decide on where to go for potential avatars -Cosmic Telepathy To sense and communicate with living beings throughout the universe, Psion is capable of communicating with beings (more commonly its avatars) throughout the universe. -Cosmic Teleportation As it needs to travel from one place to another, The Nexus is capable of teleporting itself and other beings across vast distances through space, possibly through wormholes but no one can recall how it does the teleport. -Life Embodiment As a by-product of its creation, The Nexus has the ability of controlling life-force energy, giving, extending or taking life away from living beings. These abilities, although very powerful, are rarely used by the Nexus as it handles all of its tasks with its psionic energies. -Immortality The vastness of psionic energies being generated in the universe means that The Psionic Nexus is can replenish itself indefinitely to the point where it can regenerate itself and never age. -Possession If a being has been encountered that has the potential, The Psionic Nexus is capable of possessing the being. This being is the incarnate of the Nexus’s original form albeit with all of the strength of its cosmic form. The psionics from the being, though has been immeasurable, are capable of ripping solar systems apart. However, there has been no being capable of being possessed as the candidates used before have disintegrated into nothing from the sheer strength of the universe’s psionics. [color=6826F2] [b]Attributes:[/b] [/color] [indent] Strength Level: Unknown Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Unknown, though can travel through the universe at superluminal speeds. Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Unlimited Agility: 20x + Intelligence: Super-Genius Fighting Skill: Untrained [/indent] [color=6826F2] [b]Resources:[/b] [/color] As a cosmic entity of psionic energy, it doesn’t need any resources. [color=6826F2][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [/color] Though many beings have faced The Psionic Nexus in combat, there has not been any weaknesses shown to damage it. However, with its form being of pure psionic energy, it is unable to cause physical damage to its opponents. [color=6826F2] [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [/color] While there are thousands of The Psionic Nexus’s avatars throughout the universe, there are currently none on the planet that the inhabitants call Earth. [color=6826F2] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [/color] See the character Fletch ;)[/center]