Callie pondered that, feeling a little safer. It didn't really narrow things down, however it did give her an idea. [color=fff200]"Sounds more like a guardian or Druid. Something along those lines. A god..there'd be more...just more"[/color] She said, thoughtful. Callie had a good knowledge of the supernatural, yet she'd never actually met either a god or a guardian. Druids...she'd met a Druid before, trading herbs but that had been a few years ago. She'd given him some pain amulents, his potions no longer able to help with the pain that old age inevitably brought everyone. She let herself relax, figuring that they were safe, at least for the time being. [color=fff200]"He defientely seems intuative, at least"[/color] She said absently, leaning forward against the table, looking to caius, she gave him a small smile. [@Kyrisse]