Skye watched Lance as he looked around, before turning back to her and asking about bars. "Yes, there is a bar. The Happy Dragon is over this way," she replies, beginning to walk. "I really don't know where you're from. You're just so, strange, with strange armour, and a strange weapon," she continues, sighting the bar getting closer as they near it. "It's almost like you're come kind of deity, some kind of god of war that has came down. So mean, so rough." She says, before whispering, "So scary." The bar had tables scattered around, most occupied, the building itself thriving with activity. A red carpet was afoot, showing that the bar was indeed one that racked in the money, though Skye herself would have picked blue or perhaps a yellow carpet. She probably would have replaced most of the paintings on the walls as well to some friendlier looking ones: The only one she really admired was a painting that took up an entire wall, displaying a massive countryside. Once they were in the bar, Skye turned to look at Lance. "I hope that you've at least brought some money. I'm not buying you a drink."