[@tsukune] [quote=tsukune] I didn't state Rein's sexuality because - who cares when you are about to die any second? :P[/quote] Lol, Leo's backstory makes his sexuality relevant. I just didn't feel the need to put it into his 'Notes' because as a general rule I think people assume you're straight unless stated otherwise. Also, minor elements of characterization IC can be impacted by it, so I usually take this into account for any character. As for the other part of your comment... so people can have 'it's good to be alive sex' whenever they survive a round? [quote=tsukune]I forgot to put this down... [indent]Sexy Ending Route: [i]The following description has been censored in accordance to the forum rules. For further queries, go ask your dirty dream glossary.[/i] Bad Ending Route: Everybody dies... except Van-Suave because he's too smexy and precious for the death god to take him off the planet.[/indent][/quote] Lol, you should've said 'for further queries, go to the 1x1 role-play forum'. I'm... not commenting on the second one. xD