[img]http://i68.tinypic.com/10z9q83.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]_____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [u][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a4uVI2Wd_Ik]Opening Theme[/url][/u] [i]Nobody saw it coming. Not by a mile. It was totally unpredictable. It caught everyone flat footed, leaving them dumbfounded and mentally lost. Not just New York, nor the United States, but all of mankind. Something that had always been believed to be impossible was now reality itself. Something that was considered to be fun filled fiction was now non-fiction. Something that was a thing of children and teenagers bad dreams was now a living, breathing nightmare. This nightmare is the unnervingly advanced and highly evolved case of [b]Bovine Spongiform[/b], or "Mad Cow Disease", which has altered itself into a more durable and more sustainable strain of the human VCJD disease, which derives from Mad Cow Disease. This new and more advanced breed of VCJD is now plaguing all of New York City, transforming all of those that are infected into mindless, monstrous anominations. The infected, whom are being referred to as "Ragers", due to their wild, primal, and psychotically aggressive behavior are swarming throughout the city, swamping the streets and storming every building, mercilessly attacking and murdering every living thing they see, human and animal alike. Many eye witness accounts and surveillance evidence have indicated that in many cases, the victims bodies are then feasted on, wether it be human or animal. The national guard have been brought in alongside the police force, but to great dismay, they cannot seem to quell the outbreak, as entire barricades and divisions are being overrun and the defendants slaughtered by these virus turned creatures. In Washington, President Thomas Stewart has declared a state of emergency, putting all of New York State on lockdown and commanding the military and navy to set up a complete and secure land and sea perimeter around the entirety of New York State itself. The National Guard and the Navy have since then moved into place, completely sealing off entry and exit from the state and effectively quarantining it.Having been ordered to simply keep the area constricted and nothing further, the military have made no further efforts to move into the city or across the surrounding area.They are simply there to keep any infected from getting out and any civilians from outside from heading into the hotspot. While the politicians in Washington bicker and debate on how to handle the situation and the infected, the people of New York find themselves in a "do or die" situation. They must gather their wits and strength alike if they are to avoid death or infection. Not to mention the varieties of danger aside from the Ragers. Gangs, looters, finding food, supplies, and shelter, it won't be easy or safe. [b]Survival of the fittest.[/b] [/i] [color=6ecff6][b]TIMELINE[/b][/color] [i]Friday, March 10, 2017[/i] [hider] * 4:30 A.M-Hospitals on Manhattan and the surrounding inner city areas are all overrun with patients suffering from dangerously high fever, severe spasming and twitching, and delirium. * 5:30 A.M-Police stations across all of NYC are scrambling every single available unit and pulling in off-duty officers, as well as requesting police aid from surrounding cities, to handle a mass outbreak of "mob attacks" and psychotic hospital patients whom are assaulting and murdering people in a terrifying masse.Reports indicate "crazed and animalistic behavior" from the gargantuan number of suspects.police are all fully equipped in riot gear and are prepared for lethal measures. * 6:15 A.M-The police are being outmatched and overrun by these psychotic and deranged patients, and heavy casualties are already piling up at 150 police officers, estimated 8,000 civilians, and an unknown number of suspect casualties. * 7:30 A.M-The National Guard are on scene and begin setting up defensive perimeters and attempting counter attacks at the "crazed mobs" which seem to be growing rather than decreasing. * 8:45 A.M-The overall death toll is up to 19,000. Meanwhile, mass evacuations are taking part from the airports and along the fringes of the city. The National Guard, Air Force, and Navy all dispatch large task forces to contain the entire state, as the chaos is boiling over into the suburban areas and the surrounding countryside. * 8:59 A.M-President Thomas Stewart declares a state of emergency and declares the entirety of New York State and all of those currently within to be quarantined by the military. Those who departed prior to the announcement are rounded up and taken to military secure medical laboratories. * 9:10 A.M-President Stewart release the statement nationally and internationally that the "suspects" from the mob attacks and the now ensuing chaos in New York City are in fact infected with some unknown virus altering them into primal, aggressive, and highly dangerous killers, and because of this, New York must be sealed off and the virus contained while a final solution is made. * 9:12 A.M-Power grids supplying all of New York are switched off, leaving all of the state in total darkness, aside from rural areas and private estates with backup generators. * 9:45 A.M-The last of the police force and the National Guard dispatch are pulled out of the city.Leaving the survivors to fend for themselves. * 10:00 A.M-Radio towers, cell towers, and television stations linked into New York are disabled.Leaving the city and surrounding countryside totally isolated and dark. * 10:01 A.M->5:59 P.M-Survivors are forced to fend for themselves until the "outside world" makes a final decision on handling the outbreak. * 6:00 P.M-CURRENT TIME [/hider] [color=ed1c24]THE ZOMBIES ("RAGERS")[/color] [hider=Hider] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/28bcp3d.jpg[/img] The Zombies, or "Ragers", as they are called, have swarmed all over and throughout NYC and the surrounding countryside and neighborhoods, and have slaughtered a mass portion of the citizens of New York and canabalized a great deal many of them. They are ferocious, vindictive, determined, territorial, and without empathy and humanity. They are not undead, nor living dead, but are merely humans who have been consumed by a highly mutated and evolved form of VCJD, a brain disease that is a evolution from "Mad Cow Disease", which is virus that infects cattle and causes it to become violent, incoherent, and eventually handicapped followed by death. This mutated strain of VCJD seems to have far greater influence and control over it's human hosts and drives them utterly psychotic and primal, as it eats away at their brain. It slowly disables their sense of intelligence, followed by their passiveness and humanity, doll owed by their very personality and identity. Eventually, it shuts down their motor skills and function ability as well, and will soon after kill them, or at least that is, depending on how far evolved it is compared to it's bovine born precursor. The Ragers themselves are totally infected and overtaken by the virus.They have no sense of reason nor humanity or empathy, and have barely any intelligence or thinking power to boot.They are merely savage, primal, aggressive beasts trapped in a human body. They have a high pain tolerance, so while severe wounds may kill them, it could take some time. While they are still human and can be killed in any way that a normal human can be, their high pain tolerance makes non-fatal wounds and non-fatal attacks risky. True enough, they can bleed out or die from organ or critical tissue wounds, but they won't feel a thing until they are virtually dead. They are also not at all sluggish or weak. While not enhanced or strengthened by the virus, the strength, speed, and overall physical capabilities they had as "normal humans" is still with them. Meaning that they are more than capable of sprinting, jumping, jogging, climbing, ect. As for sounds and noise they make little to no noise, other than grunts, moans, groans, and snarls. They do not roar or howl or screech. They are still human, even if they don't look it. [/hider] [color=fff200][b]INFECTION[/b][/color] [hider=Hider] Complete Infection and transformation into a Rager takes roughly 7-9 hours, and has three full stages. So far, it seems that Infection can only be caused by being bitten, or other exposure to an infected subjects DNA such as bodily fluids, such as blood, saliva, sweat, etcetera. It is most definitely not aerial born, that much can be asserted. Complete Infection and transformation into a Rager takes roughly 7-9 hours, and has three full stages. •Stage 1-Development of a mild to high fever, as well as typical cold sweating and chills. Along with a jittery, nervous condition and jumpiness at the slightest of things and low tolerance and irritability. This stage lasts for roughly 5 hours. •Stage 2-Intensification of fever to near fatal temperatures, random and inconsistent hallucinations, hostility, paranoia, aggressiveness.This stage lasts from anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours, it varies from person to person.During the final minutes of this stage the ability to speak is lost along with the gain of spurts of seizure like symptoms. •Stage 3-Total transfornation into a Rager. Total loss of intelligence, humanity, empathy, identity, and mental strength.Primal instincts take over and hostility, ferocity, and territorialness take supreme. NOTE:There are certain animals that are susceptible to this mutated virus as well aside from cattle. So far, they are listed as; •Canines-Dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, ect. •Apes/Primates-Chimpanzees, gorillas, orangoutangs, ect. •Bears •Certain Predatorial Cats-Cougars, Lynxes, Panthers, Lions [/hider] [b]MAP[/b] [hider=Hider] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2ch8fbo.jpg[/img] [b]As the RP progresses, I will update and provide more maps as we progress across the state of New York and onward. [/b] [/hider]