[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: Heard County High School[/center] [hr] Well finally it ended… the group heading over to the Newnan place was about to leave, things were going well enough. She helped a little bit and it made her feel good, but this was that. The day was slowly rolling to a close. After… typical zombie apocalypse happened, things had revered back towards a rather calm and tranquil schedule as when the sun sets, nearly everyone would be focused on getting some rest, everyone beside those who’s job was to make sure the bloody walkers won’t show up to cause trouble that is. [color=8dc73f]“So… what happens now?”[/color] She quietly asked Mike.[color=8dc73f]” We head back towards the sleeping areas and prepare to rest? After the near brush with death today, I do feel like I need to get a good sleep...”[/color] Amelia said, knowing that tomorrow almost certainly was going to be another day off of excitement… in both the good, but more likely in the bad way. She couldn’t think up as of why if something could go wrong it always did. Still she was going to try to minimize her chances to meet the sudden unexpected bad events... like better no climb on the back of a truck when Ed's driving...