[@tsukune][@Snagglepuss89] Cheers for making a point about how putting things in hiders won't prevent the loading from being bad, but I knew about that actually. Anyway, the reason I more or less had to put my foot down on changing how we implemented music for the role-play is due to the fact that only having two or three YouTube videos linked to the character tab was enough to pretty much kill my PC each time I clicked on it. The current pictures though aren't causing me any problems at all, and frankly I plan to include a picture for each NPC as well. Also, unlike tsukune I actually [i]do[/i] have avatars and signatures visible, and the only time this causes me issues is when they're gifs. With this in mind, I'm not gonna deny people using portraits in the IC posts, but I'm also not gonna force people to. That should satisfy most of us, I think. Keep in mind that I've yet to actually settle on my own ideal formatting, especially since I'm somewhat new to forums that allow this much format creativity. I suspect my opening IC posts will receive at least one more edit each once I settle on this, alongside Leonard's post potentially receiving one extra to make his location clearer. I'd have liked to be more professional about it and not need to edit so many times, but my PC really does limit what I'm able to do efficiently. As for tsukune's comment at the end involving the size of portraits -- I do agree that I don't want the portraits to be [i]excessively[/i] large, but this is one of the reasons why I mentioned the possibility of us using the portraits we'd use for the map (obviously the map versions would be smaller than the IC ones), so people are free to comment on this idea (even if I'm not planning on forcing it).