[hider=Image] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b0/f3/d4/b0f3d439d983ab577411c960ce4bf2d5.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Garon Alakos Age: 26 Race: imperial Items and gear: empire style full steel armour, sword and shield. Backpack, bedroll, water skin, a family medallion and various trinkets master crafted by him. Abilities: one handed, shield, heavy armour, fists, endurance, jewelcrafting, cooking Jobs: ex-imperial officer, jewelcrafter Bio: born the son of a jewelcrafter, a family reknowned about tamriel for crafting expert gems into beautiful necklaces and rings, he'd learned the trade and mastered all forms of crafting after learning in the desert province of Hammerfell. Due to noble relations he'd moved through the ranks to officer during the stormcloak rebellion, and after serving in the army he left to pursue his trade as a jewelcraftsman, but now he stays in skyrim, to explore the province a while longer.