[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3][b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore] [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] [@Dragoknighte] [@Pundii] - "Oh, she owns the place but well," he said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, glancing around the room before lowering his voice a bit. "She dables in most everything she can get her hands on to make a buck. Running women, guns, drugs, you name it in the underground she has her finger in it somewhere," he said before glancing around again and waiting for his food to get there. The kitchen took the orders for the food once Scott put them in and got to work. Eddie ended up coming inside for a minute, the place was getting a bit more people in but nothing big. The rush wouldn't start happening until much later in the evening. Eddie grins broadly over at Mali before stepping behind the bar and getting himself a bottle of water and downing it real fast. Looking back over at Mali after he looks over the room again Relic pulls his hood in a bit more. "I wish Zoie would hurry up and get here." [@Nallore] [@Scallop] - Marc keeps searching and ends up Lawsons room, he makes a comment or two about how Lawson was never this was. That he was always the most disciplined person he knew but after everything went down in Grimm, he kind of spiraled out of control. He hoped that Lawson moving out here, away from Chicago (Away from Kai and Ada) that he would get things back together and start to move on. While you two search the bathroom, there doesn't look like there is anything there but as Riley turns she knocks over a glass from the sink. It is a standing sink with no cabinet around the stand. If either of you kneel down you will find a small yellow envelop tapped to the underside of the sink. Opening it will reveal a SD card. Keep searching, maybe there is more in the house. There are several rooms left to really look through - The secondary bedroom, the kitchen, living room, and the small patio out front that has the stairs that lead up to the street (It has a small storage closet, but that is locked) [@Pundii] - Roy sighed, he knew it was going to come to this eventually. Guess it was time to come clean. Leaning back in his seat he motioned for the two to go ahead and sit down, this was going to take sometime. Risa sat down slowly, resting her hands on the the table for a minute before moving them to her lap, close enough to her hand gun to grab it quickly if it was needed. Taking a drag from his cigarette Roy began. He explained that while he was recruiting for Argus he had fallen on some tough times, money trouble and began to take a cut under the table. After a while, demands got to be more and more and he couldn't pull out because they had stuff on him and he would loose his shield and his pension. So he kept at it, doing more and more, them getting more on him the more he did, the deeper he got. Snuffing out the cigarette he blew the smoke out of his mouth. "Their name is Juno, think of them as the Illuminati of the Illuminati. Everywhere and no where. I've been one of their lackies for years, I'm tired of it." [@Morose] [@Sigil] - As said before there is a lot of pictures. One will even have Donkey there with Alicia. Cecily will notice a strange draft coming in from under her back side of where she is seated. Let me know if you check it out via pm. [@Morose] - At the Asylum things are hectic as always, there are far too many patients and not enough people working. There is rampant abuse in the system and those that speak up tend to get transferred out if they can't be brought into the fold. Those that hate it but don't speak up just keep their heads down. The news is on in the common room of your personal section. The Ludwig Building. It's the female only building. It is a range of patients but so called sociopaths (a very rare thing), women suffering from various eating disorders, and even more. The place is also a halfway house for some who are trying to get on their feet again. Yet today you are thrown a new file, on top of the numerous you already have. Even before you can pick it up from the nurses station you hear a scream as the doors fly open and two orderly's (men) are carrying a woman kicking and screaming. "It's Valentine's Day bitches!!!" she screams as they drag her over to you. Stopping she eyes you as tilts her head from side to side. "Patient 30521, McMillian, Cynthia," one of the orderlies say before Cynthia shakes them off and straightened her hair. "Hello."