Her words brought a surprising smile to his face. He'd always been for one living on the edge, and having someone like her to do it with him was something he'd not experienced. He squeezed her hand back, and then pulled her a bit closer to him before closing his eyes and concentrating on his magics. "[i]Seiroch[/i]" he intoned. Suddenly, Markus and Valerie felt the faintest weightlessness before gravity returned to normal nearly instantly. It wasn't entirely disorienting, just an odd feeling for a moment as it was an instantaneous movement. They opened their eyes and were out in the open, a dozen feet from the hillock and the next treeline that led upwards towards the ruins. Before them was an Orc guard with his back turned. Markus wasted no time and grabbed the brute's mouth before running him through with his sword. He let the Orc drop and hissed "Go," to Valerie. They made it to the Hill. [i]It's a start[/i], Markus thought. He cast a glance behind them at the Horde still milling about as he ran on. The trees were not so near and thick as they were back in the forest, but it was better than nothing, and they would be covered by canopies as they climbed higher up the Hill. The going was steep and definitely did a number on their legs as they ran, but any Orc who would look up towards them might see a glimpse of them and think it was merely a passing doe, or a fellow Orc exploring. The first structure they made it to at the crest of the rise was a smaller building of timber so old it creaked from the wind. Markus barreled through the cracked door, sword leading as he looked about quickly. "No one." he called to Valerie, and let out a breath. He'd fought in urban environments before, and while he was used to populated cities, he had a good sense on when to open doors and when to keep your head down just in case. Inside their small structure was a few desks and an old table, with a cupboard wrought of ubiquitous and odd designs that looked archaic yet exquisite. As Markus gazed out one shattered window, seeing across a few more overgrown streets of dirt and stone, was an archway covered in vines and brambles. Behind him, a Skeleton that had been standing up (next to the cupboard) due to an arrow in its chest cavity keeping it upright, shattered and fell apart next to Valerie due to their commotion with a rattle and a crash that seemed far too loud. [@Luminosity]