On the off chance that there's still space for more players, [@Yidhra], could I submit this character? [hider=Peacock] [b]Name:[/b] Peacock (formerly Patricia Watson) [b]Title:[/b] "The Murder-go-Round" [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/skullgirls/images/9/9d/Peacock_action_portrait_by_oh8-d2qigab.jpg]Clicky![/url] Four feet and six inches of murder with metal chompers, empty eye sockets and a neat looking top hat. [b]Personality:[/b] Outspoken, light-hearted and prone to bouts of extreme violence, quite possibly simply for the sake of violence. Having had something of a troubled past, to put it lightly, using violence to solve problems is never entirely written off as an idea. Despite her rather intolerant and rude attitude towards authority figures, Peacock enjoys being the one wielding authority and, given time, starts to see people as members of her slightly bizarre extended family. [b]Ideals:[/b] Freedom for all! Heck, if you want to beat things to a pulp, blow things up, spend all day watching cartoons, why shouldn't you be allowed to do that? It's a good as aspiration as any other, right? You betcha! [b]Biography:[/b] "Once upon a time, there was a sort-of-orphanage in a quaint little town called Rommelgrad that just so happened to be on the wrong side of history and ended up being little more than a wasteland of dust, bones and Generally Unpleasant People. There were two friends at this orphanage, one called Patricia, the other called Marie. There were others, but for this story, let's just worry about Marie and Patricia. So, anyway, we're including "[I]slavers funded by the mafia[/i]" in the list of Generally Unpleasant People, and these slavers show up, take everyone away from the orphanage and that's that. Patricia, being a wilful sort and no mistake, got ever-so-slightly torn up, you know, as an example to the others. Turns out nobody is that interested in a blind girl with no arms, so before you can say "[i]hey, you big palooka, can you give me these peepers back?[/i]", Patricia was out on the streets, left to fend for herself in a world that's not so great. Then Patricia gets picked up off the streets by a ghoulish looking guy, called Dr Avian. I'll skip ahead a little here, because the long version is pretty long, the short version is pretty straightforwards and telling the story is getting really quite dull. Okay? Okay! Doctor Avian has this plan, with some other folks, to defeat the Skullgirl. Skullgirl is bad, causing trouble, so turning Patty into a biomechanical murder machine is clearly the way to go here. Great job! So there's two parasites, one's called the Avery Unit - that's the little bird-lookin' fella - and the other is the Argus System that does, like, a whole load of stuff, but of most importance is probably the ability to see through these eyes. Neat. So, short version, Avery conjures up weapons and snarky one-liners, Argus mucks around with your body, and that's basically that. They did mention something about not being able to save her mind though. So, skip ahead, turns out the Skullgirl that's caused all of these problems in the Canopy Kingdom? Yeah, that was Marie. There's a fight, and a fight, and another fight, and it ends with Marie passing on, some acts of bloody and hilarious vengeance in her name kicked into the Mafia, and that's pretty much that. Everyone in Dr Avian's lab is basically dead, the world is sort of saved, and there's nothing left to do but find somewhere else to cause trouble. That's all, folks." [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Never Outgunned![/i] Courtesy of the Avery Unit, Peacock can summon (and dismiss) a variety of weapons, though these manifest as ridiculous, cartoon-esque things. Fortunately, they still hurt, and that's what really counts, even if they don't last a particularly long time. [i]Never Alone![/i] The Avery Unit is Peacock's constant companion; it looks like a little blue bird with fangs, has eyes on his tail, and lives inside Peacock's hat. For reasons unknown, it also chooses to dress like Peacock. [i]Never Mind Your So-Called Laws Of Physics![/i] Peacock seems to operate on what could be considered "cartoon physics"; heavy objects can be lifted if it's thematically appropriate, huge explosions leave her covered with soot and her hair swept back, can teleport through black circles painted in the ground, and the like. Good for annoying scientists [i]and[/i] great fun at parties. [b]Weapons:[/b] Courtesy of the Avery Unit, [i]all[/i] of them. Seems to have a preference for a dirty great big revolver. [b]Equipment:[/b] A top hat, a pocket full of loose change and a head full of nonsense. [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Skullgirls "Universe" [/hider]