Guess I'll need to drop Yuuka now. [hider=Best FF Character] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Vivi Ornitier [*][b]Title:[/b] Black Mage [*][b]Gender:[/b] Male [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Best Black Mage[/url] [*][b]Personality:[/b] A shy, clumsy little guy with a bit of an existential crisis, Vivi is a quiet boy who doesn't quite know his place in the world. Nervous around strangers, and lacking in self-confidence, you would be forgiven for thinking he is nothing more than a shy kid with a very sun-averse hat. Despite his shyness, Vivi is also quite curious about his surroundings, with almost everything being new to him, and not just because he's wound up in a strange city. His biggest question, oddly enough, seems to regard his own existence, though he doesn't quite know why this is. Is living enough to prove you exist? How does one go about proving existence? Such questions sometimes cross Vivi's mind, though he tries not to vocalise such things. In extremely rare situations, even Vivi can be enraged. Naturally, it takes quite a lot to do so, and you'd need to be a heartless monster to provoke the little guy, but invoking his ire is a surefire way to confirm his true skills with black magic. [*]Ideals: Vivi desires to learn of his role in the world. [*][b]Biography:[/b] A black mage with the stature of a nine-year old boy, Vivi is an unusual presence in FFIX - well, okay, everyone's an unusual appearance there, but still! Starting with a trip to the bustling city of Alexndria to watch a play, Vivi somehow gets swept up in a kidnapping attempt of the city's Princess, befriending a group of strange individuals, and slowly learning of his origins. Throughout this epic adventure, the young mage meets more of his own kind, and realises what awaits him in the possibly-near future. [*][b]Powers:[/b] Black magic. In other words, elemental spells including, but not limited to, thunder, ice and especially fire spells. Generally, these come in three tiers of strength (Fire, Fira, Firaga for example), with few exceptions. [url=]Here's a handy list of spells he'll know[/url]. Or come to know. Vivi can also augment his spellcasting abilities with a strange power known as 'Trance'. In extreme situations, a strange aura surrounds Vivi, allowing him to cast two spells at once. He can also boost the power of his magic by 'focusing' for several moments, which obviously leaves him open. Finally, Vivi is capable of channelling his magic through a sword, imbuing it with magical properties (fire slash GO!). Quite useless for Vivi himself. [*][b]Weapons:[/b] An oak stave, good for channelling his magic. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] A theatre ticket for the play "I want to be your Canary". [*][b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Final Fantasy IX [/list] [/hider]