[centre][h1][b][color=fff200]Niesha[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] building one, the infirmary [/centre] Nieaha went to get the sheets, her head bowed. She was trying, damn it. Yet right now, she felt like if she didn't have Sophia, she'd just leave. But she couldn't take Sophia out there, not when she was still one handed. Everytime she tried to help, people just saw what she had been, and not what she was. She clutched a sheet tightly. All she could do was try. Even if it didn't get her anywhere. She'd tried for Sophia. Even if it hurt her. She gritted her teeth, and began to tear the sheet up, making sure that she was crafting bandage strip, doing so as quickly as she could, she carried as many of the bandages as she could, hurrying back downstairs, she put them in reach, out the way-or she hoped it was. She stood a moment, trying to think what else she could do, she looked about. Water, maybe? Boiled, probably. Someone probably had that being dealt with. Frowning slightly, she shifted. [color=fff200]"What else can I do?"[/color] She looked about, thinking she had gathered all she thought would be needed, but she may have forgotten something, and this would be important. So better to ask, and be prepared then not to be, and make a mess of it all.