WIP Name: Flash Gordon Title: King of The Impossible Gender: male Appearance: [img]http://static8.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/14/142972/3751938-7260550995-7a75b.jpg[/img] Personality: What is your character personality? What is his/her like and dislikes? Ideals: What does the character believe in? And what do your character aspires for? Biography: What is their story? Powers: Flash Gordon has no powers, but he is at the peak of human physic and his an excellent pilot and marksman as well as a master of several martial arts. Finally he is a superb swordsman and is highly trained in longsword fencing. Weapons: He carries a pair of energy handguns which can fire out bolts of energy that can piece through metals and other extremely dense material. He also has a longsword that is made from alien materials, which grant incredible cutting capabilities and can slice through materials such as diamonds. Equipment: What kind of items, besides weapons, does the character have on them? Universe of Origin: King Features universe.