[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/90b9a6fe656bf56f62116bda569fb4ce/tumblr_inline_nuo45k80s51qlt39u_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/center][hr][hr]If there was one thing Jack adored, it was making Tatiana laugh. The musical giggles that dripped from her mouth, each time he made a fool of himself, were practically heavenly. She was almost like a goddess, aside from the fact that was she impossibly and wonderfully more [i]real[/i] than some idealized version of womanhood. Tatiana's each and every movement was wonderful, inspired, and [i]real[/i]. Even as he practiced his announcing skills, he could not tear his thoughts away from her. [color=00ff00]"Hmm, maybe no on the monstah trucks, then?"[/color] Jack asked, again attempting to pull another giggle out from Tatiana. He heard another laugh, however, and he turned in a bit of confusion, before spotting Sophia from before. He waved at her goofily, but remembering his role as [i]ringmaster[/i], settled on an overly complicated and glorified bow. They had something of an audience now, and as he glanced outside the windows, the sun would be setting soon. They were running out of time. The pressure unnerved him a little, but he plastered a goofy smile on his face, and tried the announcement again. [color=00ff00]"Weeeeeeelcome singulaaaaaah ladyyyyy to the show of a lifetime! Preeeesenting the Great Bazhooli and the Nightingale, straight from Mothah Russia's fine city of St. Petahsbug! Be amazed by these two pehformahs on their one and only apocalypse world tooooooooour!"[/color] He broke off into a few coughs, ruining (any) dramatic tension he had created. He grinned up at Tatiana once again, noticing as Miss Sally and a few others began moving chairs in. [color=00ff00]"Miss Sally! Want some help with that?"[/color] Jack inquired, before answering Sophia's question. [color=00ff00]"I'm just excited to see solovey pehform tonight."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc6699]Édouard Riviere[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/a3fd18c695ddfee4f9f634ada4d62009/tumblr_inline_nv14jdAuCE1qlt39u_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Franklin[/center][hr][hr]Édouard followed Sana outside of the school, his mind still buzzing with questions and improbabilities. However, the heat and the humidity were dragged to the forefront of his mind. He couldn't help but be a bit pleased it was almost night--things would cool off slightly, enough for [i]le petit prince[/i] to get some beauty sleep. He frowned a bit, however, has Sana acted overly familiar with the strange gentleman from before. As far as Édouard could tell, she was spoken for. He felt a pang of sadness, but not understanding it, he roughly shook it off. There were more important things to focus on--like seeing if they had anything for him to style his hair with. It was a point of pride with him, his hair. And with the butchery that had already been done to it, he needed all of the help he could get to improve it. [color=cc6699]"Ton petit ami...il est....beau..."[/color] Édouard said awkwardly, attempting to be kind to Sana. However, the only thing he could think to say was that her boyfriend was pretty. This entire [i]being kind[/i] thing was definitely new to him--he'd have to work at it, but even that thought put him off. He [i]hated[/i] work. It was perhaps his least favorite thing after underboob. [hider=Translations]Ton petit ami...il est...beau... = Your boyfriend...he's...pretty...[/hider][hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc66ff]Tryke Lockley[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/df9eb084cf6ed0e8a979d0b717c6bc86/tumblr_mpo9xlOD111su9bs8o2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Franklin[/center][hr][hr]Tryke raised a bit of an eyebrow. She was a graduate mechanical engineer, with specialized knowledge in aerospace engineering and robotics. Her skills were enough to get her a spot on a team that was contracted by NASA to build improved rovers for the next missions. She had been admitted to [i]both[/i] M.I.T and CalTech, some of the most prestigious universities in the country. And she was being asked to create [i]sex toys?[/i] She let a pause pass, perhaps to freak out Bridgette a bit with her serious expression, before she let an almost cocky grin spread across her face. [color=cc66ff]"Sounds like a fuck ton of fun,"[/color] Tryke said earnestly. [color=cc66ff]"Whatever you need, let me know. I can take a crack at it."[/color] Her eyes wandered for a moment, over to Marx and the woman from before. Yeah, something was [i]definitely[/i] going down there. She glanced back at Bridgette and chuckled a bit. [color=cc66ff]"Guess he already has someone with dibs on the hand experience,"[/color] Tryke joked, leaning over slightly to the Viking woman, her voice quiet enough for Bridgette to hear, and for Marx to be oblivious. He seemed to finish talking with the blonde quickly enough, as Marx hopped up into the saddle, accompanied with a few hilarious and classy threats from Bridgette. Tryke had to stop for a moment to consider whether or not Bridgette meant those. Being impaled by a spear wasn't the way she imagined she'd go--but at least it was creative, right? This [i]had[/i] been the first Viking settlement she had ever stumbled across. Perhaps there'd be a few other normal people there, but from the way things were going, it seemed vikings ruled the land. And that was kind of fucking cool. [color=cc66ff]"So where are we going, exactly?"[/color] Tryke asked, firing up her motorcycle in the quietest way possible, her bat slung over her shoulder. [color=cc66ff]"Valhalla?"[/color]