[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] Carriage On Course to Almack's; Brief Respite at the Wyndham Estate[/center][hr][hr]It would be a mistake to propose that Virginia thought of each servant as a member of the family. The carriage drivers were often replaced, due to some of the artifacts that the Crypts enjoyed to bring to their home. Whether it was from the shock of them, or the potential for theft, Virginia would never admit. She swore by her dear butler, Alfred, and often claimed that he was all the household needed. Still, he could not be expected to drive a carriage whilst teaching her brother the ways of the foil. [color=9999ff]"Almack's,"[/color] Virginia stated simply, fiddling once more with the opal ring on her hand. She regretted soon enough not bringing any journals to study during the carriage ride. The trip to Almack's was just over an hour--an hour of nothing more exciting than boredom. If only faster carriages had become a reality, Virginia thought to herself, staring idly at nothingness. It was quite fortunate that it did not take Virginia all too long to lose herself in thought. Her mind was on her dear little brother. He was nearly ready to be trained, the age of testing beginning to dawn upon him. And why should not the young Viscount take up arms to defend himself? Alfred and Virginia could not shield him forever. He must learn to walk among the darkness upon his own merit. There was nothing quite to be feared, as long as one possessed wits and cleverness--two qualities Virginia was certain her brother was plentiful in. Perhaps the Sister would have some words of wisdom as to the Viscount's training. Yet as her eye snapped into focus, hearing a distant scream, Virginia smiled softly to herself. [color=9999ff]"Stop the carriage,"[/color] she commanded, her voice intense and yet not a shade above a whisper. The driver brought the carriage to a halt, aside the two other carriages that had come to the Wyndham Estate on that morning. Milli, her dearest friend, she was well versed in the various tests and trainings. Perhaps she would have some advise to offer as to the Viscount's education. And from the carriages at the estate already, it was no doubt in Virginia's mind that some gentlemen were being forced upon Milli and her dear siblings at that moment. Furthermore, the thought of another partial hour in the silence of her thoughts did not seem all too pleasant on this morning. [color=9999ff]"I shall be but a moment,"[/color] Virginia instructed the driver, as he quickly hopped down, and opened the carriage door for the Lady Virginia Crypt. Even under the pale London skies, her skin was a deathly shade of white. Her mother had been the same. She nodded at her driver, spotting the two gentlemen at the doorstep. It was just as she expected. She made her way forward to the home. It was time to perform an act of mercy for her dear friend.