Gray leaned up against a nearby wall. He refused to sit down in one of the chairs and look like a lazy guy who got drug along by his girlfriend. Sighing softly, he ran a hand through his midnight blue hair as he watched the happy people shop and chuckle among themselves. [i]These guys look innocent enough.[/i] He thought to himself. The thieves seemed to be more focused on stealing from those who have already made purchases. So the likeliness of them stealing from a store is little to none. His head jerked to the door when he heard the stammering of his guild member. For a moment he didn’t say anything due to the fact that he felt like he had to process what was before him. After a moment, a smirk befell his lips. “You look like a girl.” His tone was teasing and playful as he held out his hands. “Price tags please. You’re wearing that out and going straight to work. Make the show count.” He said with a nod. “I won’t follow you out so be on your guard but know I’ll be close by and watching.”