[@The Nightcomer]That's the part where I could use some collaboration.. in my head, the kid wants revenge for the family just dumping them because he/she "made them look bad." Wanting to just blow the place sky high and everyone in it. But as time goes on, childhood friends that work for them (I was thinking the family owned a well known textile company or something) show up, it's revealed they're basically into child slavery and that just blowing up the estate would mean the deaths of many innocents. So the kid has to figure it out from there on what to do. Smuggle them out? Find wealthy allies to buy out the business and clean it up? Kill the parents and take over? Just kill everyone? It gets a bit complicated trying to add more exact details as the story goes on.. lol. It's still in its earliest concept and we don't need to follow it word for word. I'm very flexible when it comes to wanting to discuss further plot. ^^