[center] [b]Route 9[/b] [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [/center] With York remaining oblivious to the mortal struggle going on nearby, the two pokemon started trading off attacks, Ren with quick attack and Dewpider with Bubble. While to them it may appear to be a serious fight, if looked upon through other peoples eyes, it probably looked like a silly fight between children and would simply laugh at them. After slapping each other around and cursing each other out, they both collapsed on the ground out of exhaustion. Though, even then, they laid on their backs exchanging slow, tired slaps before it slowly came to a stop, leaving both defenseless. [hr] Cursing it's luck, the Sandshrew tried to close it's eyes only to find that it couldn't move. Soon it found itself closing it's eyes for an entirely different matter. As it started feeling drowsy, the Sandshrew made one last desperate attempt to stop it with a Sand-Attack, but alas, it soon found itself falling prey to the Gastly's Hypnosis. With the little mouse pokemon now asleep, it was now wide open. [hider=OOC:] Both pokemon are now up for capture [/hider]