[color=99bbbb][img]http://i.imgur.com/fcADF3C.png[/img] [indent][indent]There are two types of changed, the kinetic, and the somatic. Those that deal with the forces, or essences of nature, natural or not; or those that are affected physically or mentally. The lucky individuals to become changed, instead of something worse, have the unfortunate side-effect of mutation. These mutations always come in colors schemes of dark colors, most notably black, with vibrant details or trimmings. Almost the same way how natural predators are marked, such as how a deadly black snake will have bright markings to visually warn potential predators of how dangerous it is. Those with kinetic powers of manipulation can feature neon colors in the form of glowing energy. For example, a changed that can generate an acidic coating on their skin may be covered in glowing bubbles of flesh, like blisters, that glow a vibrant green. One who could generate blasts of lightning may have their back and the outsides of their arms covered in black spikes, that gather the electrical energy in the air. Perhaps while doing this, bright blue arcs jump between the spikes, like a "Jacob's Ladder" electrical device. The Somatic however, have enhanced physical capabilities, senses, or mentality. A changed of great strength may have their arms covered in a thick, black chitin acting like armor. One that could run at accelerated speeds may have strategic, aerodynamic fins and so forth. It will be up to you to create these creepy, otherworldly mutations. A very important note, The Changed are not an instant genetic bomb like the Feral. These powers could take some time to manifest, the mutations wouldn't be so virulent as to cover their entire body. For the most part, The Changed still look like people, if a bit different and terrifying. The Changed will face trials in dealing with, and learning to control their new powers. Elemental or manipulation, also known as Kinetic, powers may only work sporadically, where a somatic may find their stamina depletes rapidly. And always, as the world turns, so do people fear changed and the unknown. The Changed are affected in a somewhat small, but still similar way as the Feral are. That being, The Changed have minor powers of regeneration. Superficial wounds will heal within the hour and minor wounds after a few hours. Major wounds, depending on severity, will heal in about a day provided The Changed can live through them. Life threatening wounds will need to be properly tended as it's very possible the changed could die before they are able to heal. More importantly, the changed can transplant uninfected limbs, organs, and so forth. This means that the donor would have to be a pure, willing or not, as the Pandora Virus in the changed will genetically recode the transplanted item to what it remembers from the initial infection. This means that scars, disabilities, or other symptoms will remain a constant even with a transplant, as it will literally be as if whatever was transplanted was never lost in the first place. This includes skin pigmentation, birth marks, muscle definition, tan lines, and so forth.[/indent][/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gtoBSkl.png[/img] [indent][indent]In this land of violence and despair, it's not unlikely that you'll eventually encounter other beings. A volatile thing, the Pandora Virus is bound to have plenty of offshoots of hard-coded, and variable strains. It's predicted that entire species of animals can fall prey to these mutations. You'll encounter people similar to the changed, but pushed beyond their humanity—The Twisted. At other times, things of nightmare will stalk you throughout the endless night, creatures so fearsome and terrible that it may not be worth the trouble to fight them. Then there's the Protogenoi, so little is known about them. Are they like the Changed? The Twisted? Are they people of nightmare, or gods among men? Are they the scientists, or unfortunate subjects? And most importantly, are they to blame? What about the uninfected, unaffected humans—The Pure? Are they truly immune, or just safe for now? Is there a way to prevent that, and keep them genetically pure? Or are you looking for a way to ensure everybody is changed, one way or another, for better or for worse?[/indent][/indent] [/color]