[@Yidhra] Could I join? I've an idea for a character that can crack a joke, and packs a..punch. Character Sheet [-] Name: Ram Title: The Emperor's Forgiven Gender: Male Appearance: [Hider= "My shame, you see it clearly. It'll be the last thing you see"] [img]http://croissantdelune.c.r.pic.centerblog.net/0ggzuspe.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: A servant of a strict god, Ram normally is rather serious, uptight, and a buzz kill. He however, when he actually finds humans that don't bring up his mutation, his red eyes, and his dense muscular structure, as a negative, he opens up more. When accepted, he becomes a more gentle soul, the hard exterior flaking away. When his kinder side is revealed, people would find a man who enjoys hunting, petting soft animals, and providing for his friends. Ideals: Ram is a devout follower of the God Emperor of Mankind, a deity within his universe that strides to place humanity atop the other races, to secure its place at the top, and therefore, the safest place on the food chain. However, the Emperor currently is a decaying form atop a throne, holding together his empire in death. In his absence, his followers have fallen into believing dogma, and at time do questionable actions in his name, one such thing is normally killing mutated humans whenever found, as well as sacrificing humans that are found to be gifted with magical powers, the term for such beings as Psykers. Being both a mutant, and a Psyker, Ram sees himself as a monster, and as such, tends to throw himself at the enemy, hoping to either die for the emperor, or die trying. He is xenophobic, seeing aliens as potential threats to humanity, as well as despising other mutants, seeing himself in them, which only makes him angrier. He also refrains from killing anyone he perceives as being good, and not a threat to humanity, for to him, he is unworthy of judging them, for he himself is a monster. This even extents to some aliens, and mutants, should their nature be kind, and their willingness to serve humanity, great enough. Biography: Born on a death world, a planet covered in such extremely hostile conditions that most of the planet is barren wastes, Ram quickly discovered his physical prowess thanks to his mutation, and quickly, for his tribe, became a powerful warrior. Eventually, his psyker powers manifested themselves during a point of great stress, when a large alien scorpion like monster threatened to kill him, and his tribe, his breakthrough causing him to unleash a torrent of telekinetic infused punches, allowing his bare hands to puncture the creature's thick exoskeleton, where even powerful explosives failed. However, this drew the attention of a near by ship, one working for the Inquisition, an organization of the Imperium of Man, the leading human faction in his universe, and followers of the God Emperor of Mankind. When they discovered Ram, he was bowing before an effigy of the Emperor, offering the heart of the creature he had killed to it. As per normal protocol for the Inquisition, they attempted to kill Ram, but he easily overpowered the small squad of 4 men who had arrived, however he killed not a single one of them. He simply kept knocking them out until they stopped trying to kill him, and talked to the mutant. Discovering his fervor for serving the Emperor, and his want to destroy those that would destroy humanity, they did the unthinkable. Ram was added into the ranks of the Inquisition, and for a time, served, bringing in the severed heads of aliens, and heretics alike. However, in his latest mission, in a battle against another psyker, he was ripped from reality along with them, causing him to vanish, and appear in an entirely different reality... Powers Mutant Strength: Thanks to a mutation caused by the constant radiation of his home world, Ram is exceptionally strong. Let's say, for example, 30/100 is the average human. Ram clocks in at about 70/100, his body having been extensively trained due to the hostile makeup of his home world. Some of his feats of strength are punching though a human in light metal armor, bending 5 inch thick steel beams with minimal effort, and has stopped a rolling truck with a punch, crushing it at the center, and folding it slightly. Telekinesis: Thanks to his connection to the warp, a part of his home universe in which souls dissipate and make up the immaterial part of reality, being both heaven and hell in a sense, he can affect reality though it. His current method is though Telekinesis, however his telekinesis is special. He can apply his strength at a distance, or increase his strength when touching an object directly. As such, while he can pick up a car while grabbing it with his actual hand, he will have troubles trying to do so at a range. Its range is connected to line of sight, if he can see it, he can affect it. This is direct line of sight, so no cheesing with cameras. He applies the force in the shape of his limbs, so it would be as if he were reaching out to grab it himself. However should this force be somehow attacked, it will not appear on his body, as some other powers might have it be. If someone sees him winding up a strike, and can dodge faster than he can strike, the projected strikes will miss. Effectively, he has long ranged punches, and follows similar rules as for being in a hand to hand combat situation. Narrow Strike: Though projecting his attack though the warp, he is able to narrow his strikes to that of a pinpoint, allowing him to strike at weak points, such as open points in armor. This increases the strength of his strikes, but reduces their area of affect, possibly turning a lethal strike into a flesh wound, as the thinned strike does not have the same effect as lets say a bullet, but more so, a laser, only affecting the area that the force is directly applied to. Weapons: None. Yep, none. Equipment: He has on him, a small flashlight, a weeks worth of rations, a large backpack, and a small bit of carved ivory in the shape of the symbol of [url=https://img1.etsystatic.com/055/0/7869312/il_340x270.685741429_2771.jpg] A two headed bird [/url]. The symbol holds no real meaning in terms of value, save to Ram, of which it holds much value. Universe of Origin: Warhammer 40k.