[@DeadlyPhoenix] [@Shmektheshmuck] [@Zi] [indent]Rena's face twisted as she bit her tongue to correct the Elven girl who approached. Did she really look young enough to be considered a child? Then again, she was abandoned in the forest with nothing to defend with; she probably looked like a helpless infant. With the rain still pouring upon them, she looked at the group and held onto the horse. She was taken back by the man who helped her just pick up the other woman and set her on the horse as well. She had no idea where they were going, all she knew was that her ankle still felt as if it was burning. She ran her fingers across it and could feel her jagged bone beneath her skin. She cursed under her breath that she didn't have fast healing abilities like a normal vampire... She muttered a bit and then shrugged her shoulders as she looked around.[/indent]