[center][h3]York Grevillia Route 9[/h3] [@floodtalon] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] After some time of having fun browsing the Pokedex he remembered that Ren was still with said Dewpider. He turned back to them, and both of them were exhausted and collapsed. [color=steelblue]"Wow, you two certainly were busy"[/color], the Froakie tiredly raised it's hand into the air while laying down, saying something along the lines of, [i]"The Arcane Master... Is no mere mortal... It seems"[/i], must be talking about the Dewpider. He turned over to the Dewpider. [color=steelblue]"Ahahaha, hey Tal you seein' thi- Oh"[/color], he spotted Talonite just not too far off from the cafe, and he was locked in battle with a Sandshrew. [color=steelblue]"I guess I'll ask him later. Well I think you two earned seconds"[/color], he said. After not long and heading over to the cafe counter he came back with two bowls of Pokemon food, and placed them in front of the Dewpider and Ren, before sitting back down. As soon as they were comfortable, he asked the Dewpider, [color=steelblue]"Hmmm... Say, you wanna join me?"[/color]