[hider=Jack] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YcHz9wS.png[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Jack Schreiber [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nationality[/b]: Kalos [b]Personality[/b]: It is very hard to catch Jack without a smile. Whether he will be cheekily smirking at the thought of trying something new and exciting, or perhaps happily petting a nearby Rhyhorn, Jack will almost always be smiling. His natural state of mind is very energetic, as such it is normally a hassle for Jack to keep still. Luckily, he has picked up a hobby of carrying various pocket puzzles that he uses to keep himself occupied. Though he will normally buy new ones after discarding completed puzzles, Jack's favorite is a miniature 5x5 color cube he normally keeps on hand. Jack Schreiber enjoys a lot of social interaction, and is horrible at taking anything negative said towards him seriously. Though his strength is being able to lead a conversation, his energetic personality leads him going beyond the pace of others, especially once he has decided he wants to do something. If the idea of a Pokemon race is mentioned during a conversation, you would most likely find him already drawing the starting line, obliviously expecting others to already be invested. And this is the main aspect of Jack Schreiber's personality: he LOVES to be constantly invested. And should he feel bored in the midst of any menial task or major challenge, Jack will go out of his way to create new rules to make what he is doing more challenging. His personal hobbies outside of Pokemon Battles include Baseball, Tennis, Chess and Motorcycles. [b]Biography[/b]: [center][hider=Prologue]Jack Schreiber came from a wealthy family, and was encouraged by his Father and Mother that he should do whatever he wanted when he grew older. In high school, he went through many different phases of interest. Originally, he wanted to become a star baseball player. But, after helping his club win the inter-high cup, he felt hindered by the repetitiveness of the sport, he lost the will to go pro, and fell out of it shortly after. during his youth, Jack was never really fond of the idea of training Pokemon. Though many students at his school seemed to have Pokemon, they didn't often have the time to train, and Jack's parents had never owned a Pokemon. However, Jack had always wanted to ride a motorcycle ever since he was a kid. This lead him to getting a part-time job at [b]Friseur Furfrou[/b] in Lumiose city, in order to make enough money to buy his very own motorcycle. It was here, he got to work with Pokemon for the very first time. He suddenly felt very comfortable around Pokemon, especially the Furfrou. Many of them were just as energetic as he was, and although there was no lack of company from his classmates at school, deep inside Jack Schreiber sought like-minded companions who would dare to join in his antics, no matter where they may lead. In the end, Jack was able to afford the Motorcycle. During his last years of high school, he earned his license and learned to drive pretty fast (no pun intended). During this time, he also looked into the possibilities of becoming a Pokemon trainer. When he found out that Professor Sycamore offered new trainers their very own Pokemon, he immediately dropped out of his part-time work, as well as his last year of school to become a Pokemon trainer. When Jack went to the Lumiose City Pokemon Lab, he was stunned. The world of Pokemon was very different from the world he was raised in, so he taken aback to see the amount of time and dedication put into studying Pokemon. When Jack first met Professor Sycamore, he asked many questions about the kind of research Sycamore did, as well as asked what it takes to become a great Pokemon Trainer. Sycamore, invested in Jack's keen interest in Pokemon, answered all of his questions until Jack was confident that he was ready. He was offered a choice of one of the three starter Pokemon choices from the Kanto region. So after careful thinking, Jack chose a Squirtle. Before Jack was able to leave, however, Sycamore offered Jack the opportunity to go to Chromis, where a lot of new trainers were registering for the Pokemon League there. Without hesitation at the thought of exploring places he'd never been before, Jack quickly accepted Sycamore's offer, and after saying goodbye to his parent's and former classmates, Jack Schreiber boarded the next ship to the Chromis region, where he was excited to start his Pokemon adventure.[/hider][/center] [b]Items[/b]: [list][*]5 Potions [*]3 Pokeballs [*]1 Revive [*]1 Oran Berry [/list] Pokemon Team [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/c7beb8c411a9447f326c54b531b1067a/tumblr_mhd98a5fT51s2ugo7o9_250.gif[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Squirtle [b]Species[/b]: Squirtle [b]Gender[/b]: female [b]Ability[/b]: torrent [b]Battle Experience[/b]: 7 [b]Moves[/b]: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Rapid Spin [b]Extra Notes[/b]: [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/0bd8b63be8ec064d8ab24988a3f0ecc2/tumblr_mr6tcps00V1s29bhho1_500.gif[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Bonesaw [b]Species[/b]: Cubone [b]Gender[/b]: female [b]Ability[/b]: Lightning Rod [b]Battle Experience[/b]: 6 [b]Moves[/b]: Bone Club, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Growl [b]Extra Notes[/b]: Met after it fought a trainer, and after the losing trainer gave a berry as an offering to her as a Victor. 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