Ohey. Look what I found. Name: Hayato Nishihara Occupation: Translator (Yakuza runaway, but for the sake of having a job, we'll say he's the only one in his group who speaks English.) Bio: Hayato was born on December 6th, 2140 to a single mother, and three siblings. His father, whom he was named after, had disappeared earlier that year, managing to grab one of the last seats aboard the Fujisan, spending the family's entire savings on the ticket, leaving them in poverty. With four children, and a meager income, Hayato's mother would die later that year, leaving Hayato and his other two siblings in the care of his 12 year old brother, Yuuta. Needless to say, growing up was harsh. Yuuta managed to get enough food for his family by breaking into homes while their owners were away, and stealing food and water. He would later go on to join the Yakuza, which aided in their continued survival tenfold. He never let his sisters know how he suddenly made so much, but, when Hayato turned nine, he let his little brother in on the secret. Knowing and seeing no other alternative, Hayato would eventually end up in the same group as his brother. For Hayato, life in the Yakuza was fairly easy. Everyone in their group was branded with a serpent tattoo running from their eyebrow to their collar bone, making them easy to notice for the Peacekeepers in Tokyo, who received a heavy sum to keep their hands off, and turn their heads. However, this also made them easy to notice for rival gangs, who would constantly try to challenge their authority. These small fights were the hardest part of the job, but generally went smoothly, especially when the peacekeepers joined in. Generally, things were simple. Hayato would join his brother in patrolling their territory often, whenever he wasn't taking part in a smuggling job, or delivering the monthly bribe money to the Peace keepers. It wouldn't be until one day when he was delivering the bribe money that things would turn to hell. It seemed that somebody in one of the rival groups had learned the pattern, and figured out how Hayato's group was keeping the peacekeepers away. They had set up an ambush, and burst out, taking out two of the cars ahead of Hayato, and destroying the third as everyone in the back ran out of their vehicles for cover. This would eventually lead to a huge firefight in the middle of the city, that would eventually lead the peacekeepers to join in on. When they arrived, a small group escorted Hayato to them, and brought him to the man in charge. However, when Hayato handed him the money, the peacekeeper laughed, and told him that the bribe was never received. By the time Hayato caught on, he had taken a bullet to the chest. A couple of days later, he would wake up in a hospital bed, chest bandaged tight, and so heavily drugged he couldn't get up. When the nurse saw this, she instantly ran out of the room, coming back moments later with Hayato's brother. Once he came to completely, and managed to sit up, he had everything explained to him. The peacekeepers took advantage of the firefight, and said they never received the money, and that Hayato had died before he could deliver it. Because they didn't have the bribe money, the Peacekeepers raided the Yakuza's base, killing almost eighty percent of their members. Those that survived were those away on jobs, or those who were at a smaller base outside of the city. It was then explained to Hayato that the bullet had apparently managed to miss his heart and all major arteries, and only barely damage his lung. He had somehow survived on fools luck. A couple of weeks later, Hayato had finally been discharged, and was taken to a small safe house, where only seven other members were. At this point, it was explained to him that the peacekeepers were now hunting anybody and everybody who had the serpent tattoo on their face, and that the message had been sent around the globe, so even fleeing the country wasn't an option. In addition, and tattoo parlor with the machinery to remove a tattoo was under heavy surveillance. As it was, they were not going to be able to survive, and booking a flight to Mars wasn't an option, either. With no other choice, Hayato's brother booked them a flight among the Olympus, who accepted almost anyone with their lax background checks. Together, the nine of them would flee Earth, and start a new life for themselves on Invictus. When it finally came time for their departure, the small remnants of the Yakuza group would escape Earth, taking with them only a few stashed belongings, and what little they still owned. Yuuta laughed to himself, and finally told Hayato how their father escaped, and sat there, wondering to himself if it was for similar reasons. Yuuta had gained some new found hope that their father wasn't a terrible person who abandoned them, and simply had to escape the planet, same as them. During the escape from the Olympus, Hayato and Yuuta ended up getting split up. Yuuta would arrive at landfall with three of the groups members, but Hayato and the others were not so lucky. While flying down to the planet, their pod would get rammed into by another, sending them flying off track, to the West of Landfall. The last thing any of them saw before meeting with the surface would be strange trees being pulverized against the front of the pod. Starting location: West of landfall, just beyond the greenery surrounding the ocean.