Evina yawned and swung her feet over the bed and stood up. Looking around her room not seeing Tristram, Aedan or Isaac she shrugged her shoulders and walked out of her room and looked down the hallway noticed a small figure pulling something invisible behind her. Arching a brow she waved to the figure. [color=f6989d]“Whatcha pulling behind ya kid?"[/color] She looked behind the figure’s shoulder and looked around then looked back to the girl before jumping as all three male figures popped out with a shout. [color=00aeef]“Boo!”[/color] Evina blinked repeatedly, her heart racing a million miles per minute as she tried to catch her rhythm once more. Evina = [color=f6989d]pink[/color] Boys = [color=00aeef]Blue[/color]