[center][h3][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h3][/center] [@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X] [hr] Necro staggered backwards as it blinked rapidly to get the sand out of its eyes. He certainly did not appreciate that and it gave Sandshrew another mean look, this one unrelated to battling. Talonite threw the Pokeball at the Sandshrew and waited for the capture to be confirmed, in the mean time he needed to take care of a few minor annoyances. He grabbed his headphones off the floor and clipped them to his belt, they had fallen onto the ground rather than into the water, so that was good. He then proceeded to take off his sweater to wring out the water that was bugging him so much. He absolutely hated wearing wet clothes, his biggest pet peeve overall. Underneath the sweater was a black long sleeve shirt which clung tightly to his skinny body. If one were to look at Talonite's body they could tell that he was definitely not very athletic, but he wasn't overweight either. He was just really skinny, probably because of things like this happening when he tried to eat. [Color=gray]"Good job Necro, really earned your food today."[/color] He said without looking at Necro, instead focusing on wringing all the water out of his clothes. Necro looked at Talonite with a proud smile and cackled. York called out to him and Talonite sighed in frustration. [Color=gray]"I thought I said to both call me Tal!"[/color]