[centre][b][h1][color=lightcoral]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cassandra Spencer, slightly shy, bright, friendly and yes, even a little bit devious, lay on the stretcher she had been put on, eyes staring up at the ceiling of the ambulance, as she was wheeled out. At the treat of being given a sedative, she had stopped yelling about her friends, yet as she was pushed out, she looked about frantically for them. Even as she was taking to a treatment room, Cassandra searched for her friends, especially for any sign of the pink haired Syleste. She had promised Syleste's mother that she'd watch the blind girl, that she'd make sure she was safe. And right now, Cassandra would rather face the wolf that had attacked them then Syleste's mother. Oh god. Wolf. It had been a wolf, hadn't it? She remembered...closing her eyes tight, Cassandra stifled a small cry. The flash of the wolf leaping to her, as she struggled to get to her friends, to any of them, flashed through her again, as it pushed her down, its jaw clamping over her shoulder, even as its claws slashed her chest, and even then, Cassandra had tried to make sure that Syleste was okay, getting in the wolf's way again, it clamping down on her wrist, tearing her skin. She must have blacked out, because the wolf was gone when she next opened her eyes. She didn't know if her friends were alive, and they wouldn't tell her. Shaking, Cassandra opened her eyes, and usin her uninjuried hand, she pushed herself up, gathering her strength, to look at her woulds. Her shoulder was a mess of blood, and torn skin, the bite mark a horror, but it was her hand. Mangled, deformed, bleeding badly, Cassandra grimaced as someone came in, pushing her back down, wrapping her hand up tightly, she heard them say she was probably going to need surgery to repair the damage. She closed her eyes, her breathing ragged, knowing full well that as soon as she was alone again, she'd go and try to find her friends. Any of them. Syleste....she needed to make sure they were okay. She just had to. It seemed that she had to wait forever to be alone, but finally she was left alone. She waited a full ten heart beats to get up, pushing herself up with her uninjured hand, grimacing at the pain, but refusing to cry out. She couldn't cry out, if she did...someone would come in. Stiffling a sob, she rose, and moved towards the door, slipping out, she had no delusions that someone wouldn't see her, and that when they did, she'd be taken back. She had to be quick. She could be quick, couldn't she? She had to at least make sure Syleste was okay. And Mirinda. And Aron, Gage. Cody. While she was at it, Kaylee. She'd invited the new girl along, it was her fault that both her and Syleste were hurt. [color=lightcoral]"Syleste..."[/color] She breathed out her friends name, as she tried to figure out where she would be. She tried to look like she wasn't about ot pass out, that she was just a normal patient, going for a walk. She was sure she failed. Yet, she wasn't going back to that room until she had seen that Syleste was okay. In the back of her mind, she made note to avoid her father as well-that was not a discussion she was looking forward too. [hr] [centre][b][h1][color=tan]Cody[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cody was battered, head to toe, scratches covering his body, cuts, claw marks. He had fought, to try and subdue the wolf-he didn't know what he had been thinking, but all he knew was that he had to protect Aron. It hadn't been a question. It hadn't even been a debate in his head. He just simply had to protect Aron. Yet he had failed, the wolf snarling, biting, and slashing him. He was full of pain. Blood seemed to well out of any number of injuries. And all he could think of was Aron. His boyfriend...he couldn't lose him. Not now. He shuddered as someone did something, causing a sensation of pain to wash over him, igniting all the injuries. [i]Aron....oh, Aron, I'm sorry...[/i]. the jostling of the ambulance as it came to a stop threw him out of his thoughts, sendin jolts of pain through him, despite what he figured was pain killers being pumped into him. Wheeled out, Cody was a little hysterically as he shouted for Aron, feeling his heart beat faster, causing the blood from the wounds to pump out again, but he didn't care. He had to make sure Aron was okay. Someone pushed him down, lay a hand on some uninjured skin on his shoulder. [b]"Shhh, no one has died. Calm down, and I'll see what I can find out. You're not doing yourself, or anyone else any favors getting hysterical"[/b]. Cody whimpered, but he nodded, and closed his mouth. [i]aron....[/i]. Oh, god, his parents. Did they know? Cody shook, and almost from far away he heard someone say [b]"He's going into shock"[/b] and a blanket was placed around him, careful of the wounds. He closed his eyes, holding back a sob. Aron...Cody went to swing of the stretcher, and damn it all, but a horrible, gut twisting, pain flew up his leg, causing him to yelp, but there was no blood there-or at least no wet sensation. Broken? His mind flew back to the camp site, and he recalled falling over a rock as the wolf first attacked him. what had he been thinking, throwing a stick at a wild animal like that? But all he'd been thinking was to get the wolf away from Aron. Sick to his stomach, Cody knew he wouldn't be able to find Aron, not if he couldn't even walk. He'd have to wait for someone to take him to Aron, or for Aron to come to him...[i]they said no one was dead. That has to mean Aron is okay? Doesn't it? That no one is going to die?[/i] Cody clutched to those thoughts, even as he tried to get a glimpse of Aron, anywhere. [hr] [centre][b][h1][color=seagreen]Connor[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Connor wasn't sure what was going on, but he was well aware of the form he was in. Sleek, powerful, fast, and graceful, Connor ran after the ambulances, faster then he ever could go. His mind, logical, scientific as it was, said this wasn't possible, but every fibre of his body disagreed. The smell of blood heavy around him-he was sure he wasn't hurt-he practically flew across the grounds as he ran, his gaze on one ambulance in particular. The one with her on it, the girl he'd seen in the supermarket, the girl he just hadn't been able to stop thinking about. The girl he had to make sure was alright, because she might be able to give him answers. It was that, perhaps, that kept Connor...sane. Part of him knew that what had happened to him the previous month was real. That it hadn't been a dream. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but everything seemed a hundred times better. Paws covering the ground as he kept pace with the ambulances, Connor nevertheless had the sense to stay out of sight, especially given that the teenagers had been attacked by a wolf. He was sure that none of the police officers would hesitate to shoot if they saw another wolf. Yet as they drew near to the hospital, Connor slowed, padding up to the ambulances as the teens were ushered out, admist reports, and status updates, as if he merely wanted a pat. Just a stray dog, right? He looked for the girl, but his hearing picked up someone say [color=f49ac2]"I-… My name is S-Syleste… Syleste Vos…” [/color], and he stopped. Vos? It wasn't that common a surname-in fact, Connor was sure that his family were the only Vos's in America, and he looked towards the pink haired girl. Maybe she was some family he didn't know about? A dull ache rose, from the knowledge that he was all alone. Mother dead, when he was a child, father killed by a wolf mere weeks ago. What if his father had had a sister, astranged? What if this was connor's only chance at family? He was torn between wanting to know more, and wanting to find the girl. Frustrated, he stood there, a whine escaping him. Looking to the pink haired girl again, and then around, and back, he stood, indecision freezing him.