Kit had noticed the many happy couples in the store and around the area. All of them seemed blissfully unaware that at any moment they could be robbed. She sighed and shook her head as she watched Gray's reaction. He seemed stunned at the sight of her in a dress. She wondered what was going on through his head. Probably concocting a plan of how to use this moment to the best of their abilities. When he spoke she could hear the teasing in his voice. It was true she dressed more like a tomboy than a girly girl. Skirts and dresses just weren't her thing. They were hard to fight in and the extra fabric could get caught on something. She took the price tag off the dress and was a little surprised that it wasn't an obscene amount. She then handed the tag over. "Yeah and you've got ice for brains if you didn't realize that before." she said returning the teasing playful tone back. "Don't worry Gray, I can handle myself even without the use of lightning-make."