[hider=My CS] Name: Linus Theodore (Family Surname) Age: Almost 10 Appearance: [url=https://postimg.org/image/e6mtr2t6v/][img]https://s23.postimg.org/v75pzr68b/5aeb58f99552caeacd2c219147b9dbac.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] Height: 4 feet, 2 inches Weight: 58 pounds Self-Conscious: Linus is still a bit too young to have a fully developed self esteem. He's fairly blind to his own faults, but at the same time he doesn't think he's better than anyone else. On some level he does understand the concept of social status and that some people are liked better than others, but he's not quite sure where he fits into that system. Again, there's a lot of cognitive development that he hasn't completed yet, so he hasn't made many strides in judging his own character. Family feelings: Once we have some accepted characters, I'll start adding to this. Affiliation with family: The mother's sister's child. Cousin to the kids, nephew to the parents, grandson to the mother's parents, no relation of father's side of the family. [/hider]