[center][color=orangered][h1]Kreiss Stahl[/h1][/color][/center] [b][color=orangered]"Me?"[/color][/b] He said, locking onto several of the items he was juggling. [b][color=orangered]"The name's Kreiss Stahl."[/color][/b] It was kind of unfortunate that he'd gone through the trouble of juggling all these items and Chara didn't even take anything. At least Sagant had, but Kreiss had been assuming Chara had been eating that apple of hers before for a reason. He singled out the beef jerky, bread, and he was probably going to take some cheese as well. He threw up the hunk of beef jerky, one bread, the knife, and the cheese round high into the air; whilst simultaneously catching the rest in his arms, and then dropping into a squat to dump the rest of it in his bag. He caught the items he had thrown in the air earlier and started making his sandwhich. He sliced the bread clean in half with the knife, then shaved off some beef jerky and put it into the sandwhich. He topped it off with a slice of cheese and then put the supplies back into his bag. He picked up is bag and slung it over his back with one arm, holding his sandwich in the other. [b][color=orangered]"Alright. Even though no one's really keepin' you here, you should probably follow close to us, or something."[/color][/b] He said, turning back to Chara. [b][color=orangered]"If you run I don't think I'd be able to catch you."[/color][/b] [hr] [@The1Rolling1Boy]