[quote=Ultimate Spidey] Any limits you wanna place on the type of character when create? Such as: Archmage, High Priest(ess), Captain of the Guard, royalty, assassin, etc.? Or would you prefer more "low level" characters?Also, are half-elves, half-drow, & half elf/half-drow (as in 1 parent is an elf, 1 parent is drow) permitted as race options? [/quote] I want to place as little limitation on characters as possible, as long as you stick to the lore. For example: If your character is an Elf, they aren't going to be royalty, as Elves don't have royals. As for half-breeds: no. Inter-species breeding is not possible. The only two races that could do it would be City Elves and Elvah'len as they are just the same race with different cultures. Though you'd best have a good story for why an Elvah'len and a City Elf would get together.