So... HAPPY NEW YEARS YA'LL! I just wanted to chime in and let you guys know I'm steadily working on shifting the plots to keep everyone on their toes and to make this the best game possible. Also, I'm reworking a few characters' micros a little including new ones for Hawk [I needed to uncross his arms and I'm working to make his Nth metal armor look more Hawkman-ish], Momentum, as well as anybody else who might want something tweaked for like an avatar or something. Since we also lost a few people I'm gonna make it an option after players have ten posts in-game that if they wish they can pick up a second character. Don't start getting too worked up though cause there's only a few of us right now around the halfway mark. Just wanted to toss the idea out there though so you can begin thinking about how you might wanna spin a second character. ~KL~