[center][h1][color=AA8239]Nathan Darcy[/color][/h1] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UBw1UJ8tNc8/VlRyPjTUFEI/AAAAAAAAxI4/M2RMslgSQs0/s1600/solo4.gif[/img] [hr] [color=AA8239][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wyndham Estate [hr] [/center] Sighing as he stood outside the door, waiting for any answer to his knocks, Nathan's attention was soon grabbed by the sound of the scream. Out of instinct more than anything, his hand went toward his belt, where he would usually carry his sheathe, however he had left it in the carriage, and so his hand simply grasped at it for a moment before he settled it back down by his side. He kept staring in the direction of the park for a while, watching and waiting for anything to come from it again. As he glanced back to the door, he'd been about to head back to the carriage to go and check it out before the door flung open and he heard and saw Lord Ratherford speaking up. Clearing his throat, he steeled his gaze as he stared the man down once he turned, hearing Millicent behind him. [color=AA8239][b]"How damaging it would be to your own rectitude, good sir, were it so openly made sensible of your aggression to a fine woman. Indeed, I would certainly find it marvelously insipid if I had stumbled upon a noble gent [i]threatening[/i] a lady of course. However i'm sure i've just found nothing of the sort of pusillanimity, good day, sir."[/b][/color] He'd end his comment with a curt, but almost warning smile as he took a step to the side to let Lord Ratherford pass. it wasn't the first time Nathan had addressed a suitor of Millicent or her sisters who was less than gentlemanly, and he certainly doubted it would be the last. Turning his gaze into the house once Ratherford had moved off, Nathan gave his head a slight bow and smiled kindly over at her. [color=AA8239][b]"Miss Wyndham, how marvelous it always is to stop by and see things running as smoothly as always."[/b][/color] He chuckled softly at his comment, watching her closely as he let his hands clasp behind his back.