[center][color=FFB6C1][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Route 13 Excavation Site [b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@Sen] / Novis [b]GM:[/b] [@MechonRaptor][/center][hr] Roxy let out a bit of nervous laughter as Aiden jumped in, talking about how they were happy to help and didn't need a reward. He looked at her, almost expectantly, as if he was trying to see her reaction. [color=lightpink]"Um, well, I mean..."[/color] She trailed off as Stephen began to speak again, listening closely as he explained the circumstances behind his bag being stolen. Roxy almost felt guilty when he expressed his disappointment in the Fire Stones being gone. Almost. He left shortly after, a dismissive tone in his voice that made Roxy pout a bit. [color=lightpink]"Well, he was kinda uptight, wasn't he?"[/color] Roxy shrugged it off, though; a lot of people in his field were like that. She would know, anyway. Her pout was quickly replaced with a grin as Novis tossed her one of the Fire Stones, a gleam in her eyes at the sight of the stone in her hands. It would most certainly come in handy one day, if she ever caught a Pokemon that evolved with the use of a Fire Stone. Roxy had a feeling she would. As Roxy turned to follow Nov out of the excavation site, she felt something nudge her feet. She glanced down to see Nier butting his head against her shoes, which made Roxy laugh because he looked ridiculously cute. She knelt down and petted the Growlithe's head, earning a semi-jealous glance from Lucina. [color=lightpink]"Aww, what's up, buddy?"[/color] Roxy glanced up at the sound of Nov's voice, not noticing just how hungry [i]she[/i] was until now. Roxy stood back up, stretching out her arms. [color=lightpink]"Mmmm, a break sounds like a good idea,"[/color] she said, looking down at Lucina for her opinion. The Riolu nodded rapidly, meaning she was probably starving too. [color=lightpink]"We've got a long trip through the Zamak Ruins, so a quick rest is probably in order. What do you think, Aiden?"[/color] she asked, looking at her friend as she waited for an answer.