[center][h3][color=silver]Ryoshi Hanamaru[/color][/h3][/center] [color=f49ac2][i]Dear Ryoshi, How has the school been? You haven't been around for a while and your parents are quite worried. Admittedly, I am too. We're doing fine out here by the way. There aren't much attacks from the yokai nor has there been an ultimately devastating monster rampaging around so there's no need to worry about us. Oh Riko and Yuzuru's baby was born! You have a niece now so congratulations on that! Hope 'ya write back soon! - Kawashima Ashioka[/i][/color] Ryoshi leaned back from his chair as he put the letter down on the table beside him and then watched over his small field of crops. It had been a small request he asked for Amelia, just something to remind him of home. He hasn't returned for quite a while now. How many years has it been anyway? A score? Maybe two? He wasn't sure. Well since Riko and Yuzuru actually had a baby, and they hadn't even been dating when he left. Definitely a score. He returned his focus onto the field. Well, at least Amelia actually got through with the request and gave him this place where he could live in and do whatever he wanted. He looked at his watch and then noticed that it was close to when the bell tolled. He stood up and stretched. He then started running towards the school which was only a few minutes away. Ryoshi morphed into a silver feathered crow and then he flew straight towards the campus. He perched on top of one of the buildings. He would have opted for the watchtower but the bell would ring anytime now and, well, that would be too loud even in his current form. He then transformed back into a human and then sat on the rooftop, watching the kids flock into the building. He should really help with those flyers. Ryoshi took a peek at one of the teachers. Well, well, Nuka seemed to have gone stomping inside once again. Ryoshi went to the back of the campus, opened one of the windows and then slipped inside one of the rooms. Ryoshi put his hands inside of his pocket and then headed out and into the hallway. He was on patrol duty anyway. Gotta make sure none of the kiddos actually gets into trouble or get lost in their first day.